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Recommended Reading 

Below I have linked books or articles I have found that you'll want to consider reading. I found reading about physiological birth, mental preparation, and spiritual elements greatly impacted my second birth in a positive way. Educating myself left me feeling much more in control and empowered, and also though it may sound contrary to what I just said, the ability to surrender to the process. 

- I've put an * next to items that I have not personally read or read fully


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This books is one that introduced me to physiological birth and gave me the confidence to have a drug free birth.  The birth stories aren't necessary to read, but they do give a picture of what low intervention birth can look like. 


I figured this should be high on the list.  Having a good relationship with God will enable you to put your trust in Him throughout pregnancy, birth, and beyond. 

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The most highly recommended book on the podcast!

Mary has asked that if possible you buy through her page but if you need to use amazon she has an affiliate link she would appreciate you use (it's linked on her site). 


*listener recommended

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*I recommend finding an older edition, the newer ones (at least the newest) uses "inclusive" language. 


Highly recommend reading before baby arrives

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***must read! 

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